Exposed 0.8.2(Mega Pug) Released
Posted by 640774n6 on December 14th, 2012
Made a few changes to Exposed. Added customizable VNC port via settings plist (requested by @jamie_shaw). Also gave it the ability to check and update the settings plist if necessary so that when a new version is released, it will update the plist to work with the new version rather than crash. Have fun!
Exposed 0.8(Mega Pug) Release
Posted by 640774n6 on September 25th, 2012
Just released a new version of Exposed that includes: Compatibility fixes for iOS 6, Updated libvncserver to 0.9.9 which has all sorts of speed improvements as well as enables Apple’s builtin Screen Sharing application to finally work, and finally, I added a default password for liability reasons. Default password on new installations will be “exposed”. Super secret, I know. The source code has also been updated on my github. Enjoy!
Exposed 0.7(Spider Kitten) Release
Posted by 640774n6 on April 6th, 2012
Just released a new version of Exposed that includes compatibility fixes for 5.0+ as well as merged in some long due fixes provided by @nitoTV so don’t forget to show him some love. Also from the source code side of things, I added a project build script that copies the bundle bin to a dylib and plist making it easier to test builds. Happy Easter!
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I’m Back Baby!
Posted by 640774n6 on April 6th, 2012
Good News Everyone! If you are seeing this message, it means that I finally got my butt in gear and finished my new and improved WordPress powered website! It has been in the oven for over a year now. What was wrong with the old version you say? I’m glad you asked. Read more
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